

I think Jordan Peele's horror movie "Us" could best be described as Jordan Peele's "The Village". It was a movie that started off good, had potential, but delivered nothing in the end. I have to assume Jordan Peele and M. Night Shyamalan made up their endings first and then created a story around them. And they both should have dropped their endings.

So basically, "Us" is a big build up to a very unsatisfying and fairly predictable ending. And while the world that M. Night Shyamalan created for "The Village" could stand on it's own, the world Jordan Peele made, really didn't make sense (an underground world, with limitless rabbits, plenty of red frabic, seamstresses, and escalators to the real world, but nobody ever left). 

If you are a fan of Jordan Peele, you will still want to watch "Us", especially after what a great job he did with "Get Out". Just don't expect to like it and don't be shy to say you didn't like it.